We all have our comfort zones. Our favorite stores, our favorite routes to take to work, our favorite exercise routines and so on. But, at what point does your comfort zone begin to limit you and what you’re capable of?

If you aren’t careful, your routines will hold you back instead of launching you forward.
If you aren’t careful, your routines will hold you back instead of launching you forward.

Routines are good and we need them for success, but there are times where routines cause complacency and limit growth. 

Learn more here.

If you aren’t careful, your fitness routine will hold you back instead of launching you forward.

When you keep the same routines for too long you allow yourself to become complacent. You stop pushing yourself which impedes your growth and it can impact your results along with your mental toughness.

Some routines will set you up for success while others allow you to get too comfortable and limit your success. This is especially true when it comes to our fitness and health. 

We can build good routines to keep us consistent in our habits to ensure we get to the gym regularly, make healthy eating choices, and so on. On the other hand, we can build bad routines that limit our ability to get stronger, to lose weight, to get faster, or continue to develop in other ways.

When you live in your comfort zone you become too comfortable and stop pushing yourself.

Some days it is difficult to push yourself in the gym. You were tired, you are sore, and having shown up is the biggest win of the day. There are many other days, however, where you should push yourself harder to grow but you don’t – this is when you know you’ve gotten stuck in your comfort zone.

If this is where you find yourself, it’s time for a change!

You may feel like you don’t have enough experience to break out of your comfort zone. At M3 we place our focus on helping our clients push themselves and grow in ways they never thought possible.

This fall, break out of your comfort zone and join the M3 Fitness Challenge! It’s time to stretch yourself and our M3 coaches and the M3 community is here to help. Click here to sign up today!