Advance Your Coordination & Endurance Four Week Of Each Month.

Follow these videos along with your printed conditioning guide.

Stretch Release Warm Up:

2:13 seconds

Additional Information:

Begin any physical activities with these movements

Abs Angled Leg Lifts

1:30 seconds

Additional Information:

60-90 seconds then rest 30 seconds and perform second 60-90 seconds

Upper Back Rows

3:30 seconds

Additional Information:

Perform this movement once then rest 30 seconds and perform again

Lunge Jumps

1:30 seconds

Additional Information:

Perform once and then rest 30 seconds or until Heart Rate lowers 20 bpm and breathing in normal then perform again

Lateral Jumps

1:16 seconds

Additional Information:

Perform once then rest 30 seconds and perform again

Shoulder Press

3:30 seconds

Additional Information:

Perform once and follow instructions during movement

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