Stop Suffering From Gimmick Fitness & Diet Hype And Create Lasting Results By Tapping Into Your Bodies Amazing Capacity For Rapid Change.
- Are you ignoring what your muscles telling you when exercising?
- Have you struggled with maintaining your waistline size?
- Did you get down about your physical fitness level?
Some Quick Background About Me:
I have been teaching my clients, over the last 20 years, how to use the scientific method I uncovered to overcome having two broken legs at age 13 and reclaim my athletic talents by rebuilding my fitness. I was able to get past many mental and physical setbacks and become competitive in athlete in both track & field and football collegiate sports.
My breakthrough scientific research of both body and mind are now available to you in this step by step "Success For Life Kit". You can see that NO matter where you are as you are reading this letter, your body has an amazing capacity for change. Your journey is about to REALLY begin!
Miles Beccia
Why Blasting Workouts and Poorly Balanced Fad Diets DON'T Work and What To Do About It...
"This program, I was so impressed with! AMAZING! I loved the way I felt physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is just what your body needs to feel satisfied, a healthier person all around. Helped me be aware of how great I can feel"
- Colette, Certified Massage Therapist
User experiences and photos on this website along with all our official media sources are 100% REAL without any financial compensation. User results are not guaranteed or typical from this diet and fitness education program, yet we do Guarantee Full 100% 60 Day Money Back if you are not fully satisfied with this program.
Hack Your Digestive Signals With Dietary Fiber Foods!
Do you eat more even though you feel full and uncomfortable?
You can be easily confusing the hungry signal for the full signal. Your body is amazing and in primitive situations you are allowed to alter and ignore your full signal to get ready for an upcoming poor food supply.
This is exactly why you CAN NOT continue on a reduced calorie intake diet for longer than 8 or more days. Your dynamic metabolism does lower to maintain health during times of scarce food supply.
Have youthful energy once more when using My Digestive Hack of Dietary Fiber.
Using my original balanced fiber meal system, the "Soluble Fiber Threshold", rebuilds your digestive muscle tone to get your meals on the right pattern that can give you the chemical manufacturing hack to proper digestion and elimination.
Eating real foods is the only way to build a strong gut, but if you are taking in the wrong types of Non-Fiber foods then you are leaving yourself exhausted and wanting to give up and your body is sending out the wrong body language. This is why I created the system of meal with the 5 Fiber Food Groups that has been working for 100% of my clients.
Miles DC Diet solves these major fat loss problems by having you eat a SIMPLE 3X's per day meal plan of scientifically designed appetite suppressing fiber foods for short intervals.
Your body begins immediately to send the RIGHT body language signals to your mind and you become confident that your success in your hands. I know this is what you have been searching for, REAL FOODS and LASTING RESULTS,
Dear Friend,
This online coaching program solves the large question each person has of; "How do I know if I am doing this RIGHT and not wasting my time?".
This training teaches you how to listen to the multitude of body language signals coming in TO YOUR MIND FROM YOUR BODY, and then how to respond in proper healthy ways to accelerate your progress toward lasting fitness.
You Simply Want Greater Energy Levels Which Comes From Proper Exercise And Diet Methods, A Mental Focus Toward Success, And Confidence In Your Physical Activities Of Daily Living.
When you exert yourself your heart rate beats rapidly and feels very uncomfortable. This coaching program is the only system that brings you inside your body to have an inner metamorphosis starting with your minds control over understanding and responding to your diet and exercise activities.
The Mind Muscle Memory Method blueprint instructs you to Self Evaluate and Self-Reflect with your body language signals to gain mastery of your digestive muscle system pattern, your cardiovascular capacity, and your entire skeletal muscle system understood by most of the greatest leaders and athletes. I will coach and teach you that you can quickly learn how to read your body signals and act upon those with your mind to gain the edge you are looking to have for life.
Feel like a complete success and mental victory after you retake you physical health on your terms.
I was building many talents as a young athlete following my favorite Boston sports team. In Junior high school my abilities were improving steadily and coaches began asking if I wanted to play additional sports which I never even heard of or played up to that point. One weekend day, I rode away on my bicycle to meet some friends at the local bowling alley and this day changed the rest of my life.
When crossing a small road intersection a car came through fast and we both tried to stop, but I slammed against the side of the car and the collision sent me across the hood and landing on the sidewalk in a heap with both legs snapped in half. I suffered a compound fracture of the lower left leg and the upper right was a full break. This accident put me is the hospital for three months and then after with physical therapy it took close to six months to walk again without crutches.
My therapist worked my through the exercises for strength to walk on my own, but this was did not look like it was going to be enough to get back into the competitive sports I was just playing. I went back out to have the coaches bring me through the season and get the skills back, but this was a disappointing failure.
After a few years of struggling to play sports again, I began to realize that it was time to give up the dream of playing college sports because there was no one to coach me how to become strong and fast again. I became frustrated with not finding the help of how to regain my athletic abilities. It seemed like as I grew taller and older it was only getting worse.
Then in my junior year of high school my science physics professor described how our body has many levers and they can be described as forces of movement. This set me off to research and practice how to find the ways each body part moved and which exercise needs to be used to make me strong, coordinated, and fast again. Month by month, I learned new muscles and exercises but found that if they were not done with precision of proper mechanics, then it could actually lead to an injury.
From my research, I discovered that if my heart and circulation was not keeping up with my desire for added strength, then this could slow down rapid progress. As my conditioning continued to get better, I noticed a specific food supply became needed and maintained otherwise I would not have the energy of activities or eliminate the waste of physical activities properly.
I put in years of research and experienced my dream of playing football along with track and field for the last two years of college and graduated with Health Education. Then I began teaching others what I had learned. I would never have had success in regaining my physical abilities to play sports without using a systematic research and training approach to overcome the setback.
If you have now chosen a path to find out how to rebuild your physical fitness and health, then we have come together for this reason.
I went through the frustrations and disappointments of not having the physical capacity to perform daily activities never-mind play sports. The way I teach you gives you true understanding of how your body works and what your mind has to do for this to improve. As I coach and teach you how to perform an activity, you will need to take action and do it enough times to gain your own personal understanding of it.
The result is my unique diet plan for keeping a normal digestion and elimination pattern, the original blueprint of the Physics of Physical Fitness and the Mind Muscle Memory Method, the O2 Flow Aerobic Triad for heart conditioning, and my Success Recipe for Mental Victory.
Even if you have no experience with exercises, I will show you one stage at a time for you to move at your own pace. Advanced professionals appreciate the change in focus that my methods provide, because this is about laws of nature and not some quick.
When you begin you may have anxiety or fear because you have tried this type of thing before, but please understand that I have helped every age and every level since beginning in 1991 as an certified fitness instructor. After working my way through college as a personal trainer, I graduated with a BS Health Education along with a minor in Psychology that propelled me forward to teach the my methods of muscle control, healthy weight control, and success coaching.
Now when you have better mind control and response of stress fight or flight so that you can focus on what your body is telling you as you eat better and exercise for rapid improvements.
Your digestive health can be turned into a strong breakdown and elimination conveyor belt that gives youthful energy daily.
Feel yourself regaining your mind to muscle control and inputting it back into memory for you to surprise yourself on a regular basis of what you are capable of. Whenever your stress gets the best of you, it can be solved in a positive health action or a negative action. I have a specific recipe for understanding where you are in this process and what it takes to be successful in your repetitive health habits.
The only actual true way you will take the strains off you joints and sustain physical activities you enjoy will be to reactivate your muscle control of both gross and fine motor skills. This is why I teach my original mind muscle memory system and physics of physical fitness programming. With these methods you can quickly learn and feel results with are what I use each day to keep myself very healthy and fit. I would not have comeback from my injuries of the car accident or the multiple sports injuries I sustained in college sports if I did not use these same techniques and principles onward.
Having the this knowledge of a step by step blueprint to improve your fitness will get you to enjoy the activities with your family, move to greater height with your career, and can get you to live the complete life you saw for yourself. I certainly hope you are finding tons of value in the information I am sharing with you. I want to tell you that working through my system is actually a very simple process.
I put this program together to coach you and give you the directions and recipe which can rebuild your fitness at a very, very low cost investment. You are here at this point because your life is changing already and you want to move it in a healthy sustainable direction.
To your health and success,
Are Feelings Of Anger Keeping You From Moving Into Winner Circle? These Action Can Get You There!
Physics of Physical Fitness
Are you trying to get your heart rate higher and higher to burn more calories?
Your body only burns carbohydrates at 4 Calories per gram at higher heart rate levels when you are breathing heavy and your muscles are burning out.
I show you how to create a "GREASE FIRE AEROBICS" OF FAT at 9 Calories per gram, that is over DOUBLE your burn rate. You will be using a method to progressively increase output while maintaining an easy and comfortable breathing pattern.
I will coach you to gain a higher VO2 MAX, or how effective is your body using oxygen to burn fat for energy.
Did you ever notice how smoothly a top level endurance athlete inhales and exhales during simple practice runs?
Have a trim and lean body with an easy to follow workout program.
Using my original O2 Flow Triad System you will be learning if you are being held back by poor circulation, improper breathing, or need to condition your heart to pump stronger.
Miles Physics of Physical Fitness coaching bring you along a proven pattern of conditioning that keeps your stress levels low while steadily moving your fitness level higher .
You must adhere to a this LOW level of physical activities while on the reduced calorie meal plan, then between your interval dieting for fat loss you will love the energy to transform your fitness FASTER than you can ever imaging.
Please read below what the program entails and what we deliver.
Mind Muscle Memory Success For Life Kit is an online video training which follows the Download PDF Workbook which you have INSTANT ACCESS to that shows you tactical instructions for how to create and transform your ability to reduce stress, improve heart strength, and lose body fat.
This 30 Day Online course rolls out weekly, but you have access to it for LIFE, so you can proceed at your own pace. You learn strategies for changing your personal physical conditioning and tactical tools, outlines, and step-by-step instructions for better digestion, oxygen exchange, improved flexibility and strength internally:
— Module #1: Simple diet alterations that have exponential impact
— Module #2: Emotional habits mastery coaching
— Module #3: Monitor to determine where to set your goals
— Module #4: Simple workout instructions to alter fat burning
Mind Muscle Memory Success For Life Kit is delivered online through a secure membership as soon as you are approved. You are also send emails weekly to explain the steps which are needed to follow the course.
Instant Access Available With Any Online Device
After you purchase this online course, you will be asked to register your name and then you will be taken into a member Dashboard to download private files, watch coaching videos, and receive email updates for the step by step instructions for success.
Bonus - 30 Day Workout Cycle Videos. Valued at $137.
How do you know if your workout is going to get you RESULTS?
Proper workout and exercise technique is a Science. Yes, you would like to think that anyone can just get out there and make progress day after day in the gym or at home but it is NOT TRUE. You must focus on certain factors during the time you spend exerting yourself to move forward and improve your fitness level. Well, I will take you through all the years of experience I have training beginners to professionals and give you the foundational knowledge that will move you forward the rest of your life.
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When your registration email arrives to your inbox, follow the web link to member login page to access training. You begin on the member dashboard for you PDF downloads and begin watching the videos which follows your workbook.
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